Stevie is a 4-month-old female Podenco Cross Hound puppy weighing 6 kgs.
Stunning Stevie is one of 3 puppies taken to the pound in northern Spain. She is a typical puppy.
She is very happy and friendly to everyone she meets. She loves people and wants cuddles and attention.
She loves her toys and food, enjoying playing outside with her brothers and happily sharing her food and toys.
Her mum was a podenco, and we think dad is a type of hound. Stevie needs to be trained in all aspects for a puppy.
In her search for a forever home, Stevie needs a family who will take the time to train a puppy.
Regular exercise and interaction with other dogs would be ideal. She gets along well with dogs and can be cat tested.
Stevie has received vaccinations, a full blood test, microchip and passport, worming and flea treatments, and a thorough health check by a vet.
Currently in Northern Spain, Stevie is ready to travel to her forever home in the U.K. Rescue backup is provided.